Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Whitewood Library will be

 Closed Saturday Morning and Monday

Friday, May 20, 2016

Coloring Contest

 Coloring Contest sponsored by Casey Olson

Casey is a car enthusiast.  At just 19 years old he knows his cars.  As a matter of fact he told me that one of the matchbox cars he purchased as a prize had a '66 body with a '67 frontend.  Glad to know. 

Casey drew templates of vehicles for the children to color.  He helped them draw flames and gave other advice.

And the Winner Are
1st Place    Tage Standing Bear
2nd Place   Tava Sexton
3rd Place    Brandin Standing Bear

Thank You Casey for your support!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sewing 101

 Sewing their own bags.  Thank You Patty Karas and granddaughter Morgan for showing us how to use a sewing machine.   Each child selected a piece of material, stitched up the seams then laced a ribbon through.    Grace Hill, had coordinated with Mrs Karas to come during Tuesday Craft Club with Grace.    They agreed to do this again next Tuesday.

Grace's Tuesday Craft Club

17 May 2016      3:00

Sewing with Patty

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Planning Our Future

When should I start my Social Security benefits?
Can my spouse collect off of my benefits?

These are some of the questions asked at last nights class.  Of course everyone's situation is unique so one simple answer may just not do.
Brian Bickett helped those attending better understand what benefits are available through Social Security.  He also brought out some new rules the administration  put out this year.  
Thank you to all who attended.  The next Social Security workshop will be October 2016.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Thank You Donna!

Donna Willson has left the building.
A lot has happened since Donna started at the library in 1998.  One DOS based computer and a card catalog system.  Now we have been automated using a computerized program with seven computers in the building.  Donna did all the cataloging for every book that came in the door.  She will be on hand down the road to fill in ... Thank You Donna,  so you may see her here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Communicating in code

 Type out your name.  This machine taps out in Morse Code.

A QSL card is a written confirmation of either a two-way radiocommunication between two amateur radio stations or a one-way reception of a signal from an AM radio, FM radio, television or shortwave broadcasting station. It can also confirm the reception of a two-way radiocommunication by a third party listener. A typical QSL card is the same size and made from the same material as a typical postcard, and most are sent through the mail as such.
QSL card derived its name from the Q code "QSL". A Q code message can stand for a statement or a question (when the code is followed by a question mark). In this case, QSL? means "do you confirm receipt of my transmission?" while QSL means "I confirm receipt of your transmission".

Sr Center Plant Exchange

"Cowboys" Visit the Library

Whitewood 'Cowboys'

Jim Willson,  Clayton Overland,  and Howard Peterson

talked the 4rth graders about the 'Ridin' and 'Ropin Clubs that they were a part of over 50 years ago. Mr Peterson gave the kids a lesson in calf ropin'.

This was all part of the 4rth Grade South Dakota History project.  Mr Jones has put a focus on Whitewood's history by assigning his students with people to interview and buildings to research.  We here at the library were glad to be a part of that.