Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Card Class 
 14 May 9:00 at Whitewood Public Library

Contact Joyce Ehlers at

Make Cards with Joyce Ehlers

Saturday May 14, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Make 4 cards for $10

Great fun!! Everything is cut and ready to go.      Let me know if you can attend

This includes a lite breakfast.

Please Call      Joyce (605)490.1473 JEHLERS@RUSHMORE.COM

2016 Card Class Shedule

14 May            11 June            9 July          10 Sep           8 Oct         12 Nov        10 Dec

Tuesday, May 10, 2016  at 6:30 PM

Are you making the right decisions before you retire?
Come & Learn Various Retirement Income-Enhancing Strategies
- Coordinate benefits to help enhance spousal and survivor benefits
- Claiming spousal benefits while earning delayed retirement credits
- “File & Suspend”, “Do Over”, and “Start, Stop, Restart” strategies
- Claiming early worker benefits could lower your spousal benefit
- Survivor benefits for widowed and divorced spouses

Tuesday, May 10th
from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
at the Whitewood Public Library
1201 Ash Street
Seating is FREE, but limited.
Call Rea Weyrich at (605) 269-2616 or
Brian Bickett at (605) 791-1254
to reserve your seat and workbook!